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Building Connected Communities: The Boston BullPen Project

Supporting survivors in crisis

Throughout Sexual Assault Awareness Month, BARCC is celebrating how our collaboration with partners helps us Build a Connected Community. Together, we’re creating and growing a network of support for survivors. 

This week, we are highlighting the Boston BullPen Project, which began in 2017 as a collaboration between four childhood friends committed to helping those in need. Since then, they have collaborated with social service organizations like BARCC to identify service gaps and provide financial assistance to help them meet their clients’ most urgent needs. The Boston BullPen Project is disrupting the way resources reach those most in need—often fulfilling requests within 24 hours. 

BullPen has been a partner of BARCC since March 2019, working closely with our Case Management team to ensure that we can serve survivors with urgent financial needs. BullPen’s support helped keep the lights on and cover a month’s rent for a survivor whose bills were piling up after they left their job after sexual assault at work. For another survivor BullPen’s support enabled them to afford continued medical treatment that they needed as a result of their trauma. For a survivor and her daughter fleeing domestic violence, immediate food expenses were covered by BullPen for one month as the client navigated other resources to secure food for her family. Time and again, when BARCC connects survivors to the resources BullPen provides, survivors are given financial support they need in the moment. 

BullPen’s support was also critical during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, when many survivors struggled to make ends meet. BullPen assisted with payment for medical costs, replacement of furniture, and bedding items that were needed to support survivor's healing journies in a timely manner.

“When supporting someone in crisis, the ability to take action quickly to meet unique basic and tangible needs can make all the difference,” says Clare Namugga, Case Management Program Director. “BullPen’s financial support has provided us with more flexibility to respond to survivors’ immediate needs and prevent further harm.”

Thank you, the Boston BullPen Project, for all you do to support BARCC and survivors.  We are so grateful to be part of a strong community that sees the needs of survivors and puts them first.

Our mission is to end sexual violence. We empower survivors of sexual violence to heal and provide education and advocacy for social change to prevent sexual violence.